Friday, September 11, 2009

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) it's always ourselves we find in the sea. ~E.E. Cummings

As the waves commit their rhythmic assault on the sand, I sit in my beach chair pondering over the journey each wave has made. I look out to the horizon and wonder of the beyond; somewhere in Europe is there a girl looking towards me wondering the same. Little children play within the waters without a care in the world except escaping the next crashing wave. The sights and sounds of the beach make it an easy getaway. As the waves roll back to the sea, so do your worries. It’s common place to close your eyes and let the waves carry you away. Reality awaits you just beyond the dunes. But this oasis will sit unchanged waiting for your joyful return. The waves will still hammer the shore, seagulls will continue to fly overhead, and the sand will continue to lay quiet with the anticipation of your relaxation. Oh, how I yearn to stay in this paradise; tucked away from the haste of the world. Alas, it is nothing more than a silent hope; a dream. We must all return to reality. We must return to the unrelenting world until it is time again to feel the sand between our toes. Many leave the beach with hesitation; worried their memories will not sustain them until the next visit. For me the beach is my escape. When the world shows its cruel face, I shall simply close my eyes and remember. Allow myself to be transported away. Remember the soft sea breeze through my hair, the warm sun on my face, the smell of salt tickling my nose, and the glorious sound of the waves assaulting the shore; such a sweet homecoming.

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